February 16, 2008


My guess is that you probably think of meatloaf as your main dish—right? But what if you didn’t? What if you started to think of it as a meal accessory? Like, dare I say, a slice of bread? Imagine if your baked glazed eggplant was accompanied by a thin slice of meatloaf or even served on top of it.

Or if your special nutty sour cream mashed potatoes were the main event and small pieces of different types of meatloaf garnished them. Suddenly, your potatoes are complemented by pepper, THEN rosemary, THEN sage!

Think of all it can do for your tomato soup. You’ve spent all afternoon mixing tomato paste, fresh veggies, cream, your special blend of herbs and that secret ingredient you’ll never tell anyone about (or opening a can), but in the end all it really looks like is—soup. Serve it with a side of meatloaf and see what happens.

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