February 24, 2008

If meatloaf was...

a shoe, it'd be called a meatloafer. I wish I could just whip up a new pair of shoes like I can whip up a meatloaf. Just imagine what you could do with them and they'd be completely recyclable.

Which brings me to another "if meatloaf was..." If meatloaf was music it would be a mix tape (not a CD and NOT an iPod playlist). No, if meatloaf were musical it would be a throwback to the good old days where you couldn't just skip around from song to the other. You had to actually fast forward and hope you wouldn't overrun the next song by too much; to high school when your boyfriend/girlfriend would drop a tape filled with Bryan Adams, Barry White and Boyz-2-Men in your locker before second period. And while I'm not the most sentimental soul on the earth there is a little piece of me that yearns for that certain innocence mix tapes infuse into an industry that changes faster than we can truly keep up with. Mix tapes were a sign of change, a way for us to combine our favorites and add more value to the sounds we enjoy without corrupting the real listening experience. Everything cooked together, building from one song to the next, not just a drag and drop into your burn box on your MacBook. Change is good, I realize and I'd be lost without my iPod and MacBook, but as we look to what's now and what's next, let's not forget how really unbelievably, amazingly great some of the "old" stuff was.

Meatloaf, like a mix tape, is an expression of who you are. You think about what you want to put in based on where you want it to end up and the taste you want it to leave in your mouth. So next time you open a bottle of Syrah and start mixing your meatloaf turn on that dusty tape player you know is still in your attic and listen to yourself. I bet you've never sounded so good.

p.s. visit Listen to the Music Play for some amazing song suggestions of up-and-coming sounds mixed with the classics we all know and love.

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